- This event has passed.

Please note – the Singapore Fling tour has reached capacity. If you are still interested, please contact Jackie Menzies (02 9363 0227 or bookings@taasa.org.au) to have your name placed on the wait list and view the itinerary.
Exhibitions and places to visit include (5 day tour):
– The Singapore Biennale An Atlas of Mirrors at the Singapore Art Museum
– Port Cities: Hybrid Cultures and Art in Southeast Asia, 1500-1900 at the Asian Civilisations Museum, plus new displays of their own collections
– Artist and Empire: (En)countering Colonial Legacies at the National Art Gallery, organised in association with Tate Britain
– Baba House, a heritage house showcasing Perankan culture, after its recent refurbishment
– Gillman Barracks Contemporary Art Galleries
– The NEW Indian Heritage Centre in Little India (opened May 2015)
Payment Methods: (note, please only pay if you have been confirmed by Jackie Menzies as a participant and received and completed the booking form)
1. Payment by EFT:
The Asian Arts Society of Australia
BSB: 012-003, Account No. 2185-28414. Please provide “your name Singapore” as a reference.
2. Payment by credit card via this website – see Bookings button above right.
3. Send a cheque to PO Box 996, Potts Point NSW, 2011.