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John Pike (Gothenburg), reverse-painted Chinese mirror, Chinese frame with locking plate, Swedish-made upper mounts, circa 1730, 104 x 62 cm (cropped). Swedish National Maritime and Transport Museums, Stockholm, S3562.
Fashion is transient, short lived and fragile. Yet it is also mutable and open to translations and transformations across media and genres. We will examine a series of artifacts that were fashions themselves: from Chinese export ceramics depicting fashions and fashionability, to reverse-painted portrait mirrors made for European traders. I argue for the inclusion of the decorative arts within wider accounts of Eurasian fashion culture as well as the importance of cross-cultural, comparative and transnational considerations.
Distinguished Professor Peter McNeil FAHA is an award-winning design historian who works at University of Technology Sydney. His inter-disciplinary research examines fashion and wider design with a focus on identities from the eighteenth century to the present day. For a decade Professor of Fashion Studies at Stockholm University, more recently Academy of Finland (FiDIPro) Distinguished Professor, Aalto University. Publications include: ‘The Fashion History Reader: Global Perspectives’, 2010 (with G. Riello); ‘Fashion: Critical and Primary Sources, Renaissance to the Present Day’ (4 Vols. 2009); ‘‘Pretty Gentlemen’: Macaroni Men and the Eighteenth-century Fashion World’ (2018). He has a long term interest in Asian as well as Western art, having studied Australia’s first course on modern Asian art with Prof. John Clark at ANU.
How to Book: Booking confirmation and payment in advance are essential. No refunds. Book via email to Chris Manning: bookings@taasa.org.au
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1. By Direct Debit (“your name McNEILL” as reference)
BSB: 012 003 Account Number: 2185 28414
Account Name: The Asian Arts Society of Australia
2. By credit card on this website – see booking button on top right of this page