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Pekalongan, Java, Indonesia Woman's skirt cloth [kain sarong] depicting the story of Thumbelina c. 1915 cotton, dyes; batik Collection of the National Gallery of Australia
The Southeast Asian textile collection in the NGA is one of the finest of its type and is renowned worldwide. The collection includes an important group of approximately 400 exemplary textiles decorated in the batik resist technique. The group most of which were made in Java have never been resented in its entirety. Carol’s presentation will explore the breadth and depth of the collection, highlighting themes and styles found in the 19th and 20th century Javanese batik textiles and compare them to new works created by two contemporary batik practitioners.
Carol Cains is Senior Curator, Asian Art at the National Gallery of Canberra. She holds an MA in History/Curatorship and a Master of Applied Science in Materials Conservation. From 2003-2017 she was curator of Asian Art at the National Gallery of Victoria where she curated numerous exhibitions. She is currently developing a major exhibition of contemporary Indonesian art, Contemporary Worlds: Indonesia which opens in June 2019 in collaboration with the Department of Contemporary Art Practice-Global and finalising a major re-hang of the Asian galleries for October 2018.
RSVP and Payment: Pre-payment preferred but please also RSVP Margaret White at margaret.artmoves@gmail.com. Payment:
1. Via this website – see booking button above right.
2. By EFT to TAASA’s account: BSB 012 003 Account no: 2185 28414 (please indicate name plus “TSG”).
3. Or cash at door
Getting There:
Driving directions
Drive north on Kent Street, turn right into Argyle Street, turn right again into Watson Road and follow it around past the Sydney Observatory to the National Trust Centre.
Free Parking is available on site.
Public Transport directions
Bus: Route 311 terminates at Argyle Street. Walk up Watson Road, Observatory Hill and follow the signs.
Train/Ferry: to Wynyard or Circular Quay and proceed as below.
Walking Directions
From Circular Quay
Walk to George Street in The Rocks. Turn left into Argyle Street and walk under the famous Argyle Cut to climb the stairs opposite the Garrison Church. Turn left at the top of the stairs and follow Watson Road past the Sydney Observatory to the National Trust Centre.
From Wynyard and the city
At No. 1 York Street walk through the expressway underpass. Follow the tunnel, keeping to the right, until you come up on Kent Street. Walk along Kent Street to the Agar Steps, or follow the approach to the Bridge, which will take you past the National Trust Centre on your left.
From Kent Street
Follow the historic Agar Steps (opposite the Observatory Hotel) up to the National Trust Centre.